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Evolution HCG Diet Formula

With the HCG Diet people are losing an average of a pound a day.The HCG Diet is becoming a fat burning miracle. The Fat Release System is an orally administered homeopathic HCG diet program; it is a safe and predictable solution for fat and weight loss.
No painful injections, use this oral version instead.
HCG – 2 fl oz Diet Drops (plus Amino Acids)

This listing is for 1 – 2oz bottle of Evoluition HCG Diet Drops. Each 2oz bottle is enough HCG for a 40 day supply.
HCG – 1 fl oz Diet Drops (plus Amino Acids)

This listing is for 1 – 1oz bottle of Evoluition HCG Diet Drops. Each 2oz bottle is enough HCG for a 20 day supply.
HCG Pellets – 40 Day Supply (1 bottle)

This listing is for 1 – 1oz bottle of HCG Pellets. Each 1oz bottle is enough HCG for a 40 day supply (480 pellets)